Riley Biehl

Zulily Brand Testing - "Proudly Cheap" vs "We Meant to do That"

Brand Identity Testing

As Zulily's brand evolved and challenging economic times arose, we wanted to take a fresh look at our brand identity to see what resonates with existing and prospective customers. We developed a multi-faceted testing strategy and a robust digital ad campaign. Of the multiple concepts and variations we created, there were two clear winners, as detailed below.

Winner - Proudly Cheap
Our top performing concept called "Proudly Cheap", relied on humor to assure audiences that while the copy was lighthearted and fun, our savings on family essentials are more than serious.

Runner Up - We Meant to do That
Our "We Meant to do That" concept was a close second and took a risky approach. We took a candid and honest approach addressing some of the pain points of our business. In this case we tried to show the viewer that our slow shipping times are one of the things that help us pass savings onto them.

Zulily Brand Testing